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founder and ceo

I’m an expert in Leadership Transformation.

My purpose is to help people ignite their passion, grow their influence and amplify the impact they have in business, leadership and life no matter who they are, what they do or where they come from - we all have the potential to be a leader.

Meet Founder and CEO, Kylee Stone - a descendent of the stolen generations of the Kulluli and Wakka Wakka nations. She is a passionate storyteller, certified coach in the neuroscience of reliance and an expert in leadership transformation - helping people disrupt the social norms on our traditional hierarchical view of leadership and empowering people to discover their potential as a leader - no matter who they are, what they do or where they come from.

A leader is anyone willing to take responsibility for finding the potential in themselves, others and ideas, and has the courage to develop that potential - Kylee

With over 25 years in the media industry working on Australia’s most iconic brands and 20 years in leadership transformation as a coach and facilitator, Kylee earned a reputation as a compassionate and courageous leader who provides people with a space to be heard, to discover their strengths and take action in direct accordance with their vision, values, mission and goals - more often than not, creating a future much bigger than what they’d ever imagined for themselves.

When we take action despite what we believe, we discover we’re much stronger than we give ourselves credit for. As Marianne Williamson said in ‘Return to Love’ “our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”. Realising our potential actually comes from what we need to let go of, or give up (about ourselves or others) than it does coming from attempting to strive to towards some illusion we have of the ideal self” - Kylee

Claiming “the moniker of Australia’s Oprah, Kylee is an irrepressibly curious and effervescent force of nature” and “one of the most authentic leaders of our time”. In 2014, while leading a mentoring program for women who were juggling the demands of their career with taking care of their family, Kylee cofounded Team Women Australia - a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the power of storytelling to unite women in their pursuit of living a courageous, compassionate and confident life.

In 2018, she featured as one of 13 Indigenous Female Leaders in the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) “Because of Her We Can”campaign for her contribution to advancing female leaders. Described as "one of the most engaging and authentic leaders of our time", it’s Kylee’s sharp intellect, endless energy, unbridled compassion and no-nonsense approach that earns her the trust and respect of others. 

In 2019, with a commitment to providing a scaleable solution for organisations to help their people navigate disruption and advance as leaders and achieve their goals despite adversity, Kylee became certified in the neuroscience of resilience. She is now a global ambassador for Driven Resilience, the worlds no.1 resilience app in developing resilience for the business of disruption, is working with some of the world’s most iconic brands in leadership and wellbeing, and (fulfilling on one of her deepest passions) working one-on-one with some of the word’s leading game-changers, disruptors and thought leaders who have a passion for meaningful connections and creating bold new futures.